Teen Court
Early Intervention For Teens
In July 2001, the first session of Teen Court, an innovative positive early intervention community resource, was held. This program, funded by the Gaston County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, provides youth ages 12-17 who have admitted guilt to a minor offense an alternative to Juvenile or District Court through peer review of the sentencing phase of their case. It seeks to reduce recidivism by holding these first time offending youth responsible for their actions through punishment options more suited to their age and offense.
A Jury of Their Peers
Local middle and high school teens volunteer their time to be jury members, court clerks, bailiffs, and attorneys. The Court session is overseen by one of Gaston County’s District Court Judges and Deputies from the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office assist in the Bailiff position. Local attorneys offer training and assistance to teens who prepare defense and prosecution for the offender.
A Chance to Right a Wrong
After the sentence is decided, the offender and their parents are advised of instructions to complete their sentence successfully. If the sentence is fulfilled as required by the jury, the offender will not have a criminal record and is invited to participate as a juror in future Teen Court sessions. However, if the sentence is not completed, the case is sent to Juvenile or District Court where punishment is harsher and a record is guaranteed. If you want to join our team use the form below!